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Madeleine Eames

- Psychotherapist
- Mindfulness Teacher

Where do you get hooked?


You know where you get hooked. It’s the neighbour, the friend, the co-worker, the pain, the childhood story, the…… on and on. You know already. For me, it was when one of my kids called me on something in myself that was totally true! Anxiety? Defensiveness? Anger?  = Hooked.


What causes you pain or anxiety?  And what is the thought about it. In other words, what is the story you are telling yourself about it?  Remember that your reaction is 100% your responsibility..

‘They shouldn’t do that’,  ‘That’s not fair’,  ‘He’s/she’s mean, self-centred, irritating’

Now how do YOU feel about it? Irritable, angry, jealous or whatever… be brutally honest about how this shows up for you.

Now what is your underlying belief about yourself in this?  Here is where it gets interesting.  If we can look underneath our reaction you might find a belief such as ‘I’m not important’ or ‘My feelings don’t count’ or ‘I’m not enough’. There is some reason why this person or situation has triggered you, and that reason is in you.


Ok, got that sucker out. Now, ever so gently, let yourself know: it’s not true. You are enough. Sitting here, reading, in your chair. You are already enough without doing anything. Remember that.


How would life be if you didn’t believe that thought? Seriously, what would you be doing, feeling?

How do you feel now?


Time to let go. Time to move on from the old, rotten, mouldy beliefs and on to the new, updated version of you. One that fits, that resonates with who you truly are beyond your thoughts.


Don’t be caged in. Don’t be limited. Search for them, find them, and root out those old outdated beliefs and simply let them go by not believing them.


You are more than that. You are more powerful and strong than you would ever believe.


So act as if you are. Then you will be.


Lots of love,



Upcoming Events:

Thursday Mindfulness Class 12-1pm, Askews Uptown, $5 drop-in

“Writing as an act of Remembering” Shuswap Writers Group Featured Author, September 22nd, 7-9pm, Blue Canoe Cafe, Salmon Arm

and a new event:



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